Friday, June 6, 2008

Ordered the siding

Yesterday I ordered the siding for the truck camper. After weeks of estimates, I finally found the price I wanted. First I tried regular RV siding. I got prices from 2400 to 3500 bucks. Crazy. I finally ended up going with alum skin that is used for trailers. It's seemless, plus it is just as strong, if not stronger, for half the price. I order approx 350square feet for a total cost of around 1200 dollars. The only catch is you need to buy the glue, tape and trip. That will bring the total price up to around 1400. The order should be in around four weeks from now. Just have to keep waiting, and waiting....

1 comment:

  1. Four weeks!!!! DOAH! Well, let us know when it's in and we will be down to help out.
